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tv   Hannity  FOX News  April 2, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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writing to the factor. and thank you for watching. i'm bill o'reilly and please remember, the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. >> . >> welcome to "hannity," tonight, the leftist found a new way to limit your second amendment rights by gun owners. liberals are no longer simply setting sights on taking away your guns. now they're pushing through unprecedented on your ammunition. lawmakers in connecticut are expected to vote on a bill that requires the following. magazines that carry more than ten bullets must be registered and create an ammunition eligibility check, and a lot of good the guns would be without ammo and a dangerous offenders registry. and connecticut is not the only state looking to limit
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purchases. a similar bill is floated in california that wants to require that ammo only be sold to licensed dealers and would force sellers to notify police if a specific amount of bullets was sold under a certain amount of days. there seems to be a reason for the change in tactics. the lawmakers do not have the constitutional authority to take away your guns, there is no clear constitutional protection in their mind over ammunition, and as we've seen in recent weeks, democratic lawmakers in washington don't have the votes necessary to pass an assault weapons ban. so it appears that they are refocusing on individual states and on your ammo. to help prove a point. earlier today the white house announced that president obama is going to travel to connecticut next week to continue to push his anti-gun agenda. it's starting to make sense. radio talk show host, dana and leslie, you don't have ammo for the been. is it worth anything? >> i don't know, you're the
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one who always tells me, sean, as a gun owner and buddies who say guns don't kill, but people do and i guess the ammunition does. frankly, you know the second amendment does not address taxation, registration or anything regarding ammunition-- >> you didn't answer the question. the second amendment, the right of the people-- >> a gun can't kill without ammunition. >> sean: the right for people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. and making you quote, get gun insurance, which is pushed now as well in some states and limiting your ability to purchase ammunition, does that not render your second amendment rights useless? >> i don't believe so. and i'm not trying to be violent here, sean, but if you take a gun, which i have not done and i don't have, as you know, and you even see this in films, you can whack somebody to death with that, sean, and this is one of arguments that can be-- >> the right to keep and bear arms shall nod be infringed,
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but no bullets in the gun, dana, you know what? i have this understanding i was way out of whack and i thought that bullets were included in that constitutional right, dana? >> i didn't know we were talking about pistol whipping tonight. to your point, all of the new laws being proposed and some are sin taxes, that's what they are, a government version of sin tax, nothing would have done to prevent massacres like this or the newtown massacre either. that's the thing, adam lanza changed magazines multiple times and we've had lawmakers kind of admit that shall the former attorney general blumenthal saying it wouldn't have prevented newtown. if it would not have prevented newtown, why are we passing laws that would not prevent it. >> sean: leslie, can you name one proposal that's out there today by the left, by democrats, the ammo laws that
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we're talking about, even the united nations issue that came up earlier today, which the united states wants to be a part. which is really scary to me. i don't want to be governed by the u.n. is there any one law that you can think of proposed by democrats that would have prevented newtown? >> actually, i don't. i don't have the statistics for that, sean because obviously we didn't have a universal background check system. so i couldn't say what would have happened. >> the answer is no. >> wait, wait, but you have to understand, what you guys always said. >> those are laws. >> you guys on the right always say my buddies there on the right, the two of you, is that give the states more power, and in the state of connecticut, 2-1, 66 to 30% of people want gun control. and the people of connecticut want this. >> sean: but this is important because you know what, dana, i don't want it turn on the tv and tune in to the fox news channel and see another one of
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these tragedies. i don't know what reason the left thought it was funny that wayne lapierre suggested that former military people, former policemen could be hired by these schools and other places just like hollywood stars and sports stars and politicians, they have armed guards. and why not put them in school as the front line in defense? it would be an investment i'd be willing to pay for as an overtaxed new yorker. >> yeah, and sean, that's something you want to talk about what connecticut parents wanted. what newtown parents wanted. they wanted that and he voted for that. they voted for armed security in their school so they actually agree with the n.r.a. and wayne lapierre on that. and as far as, you know, states choosing to do what they want to do. if we're talking about the supremacy clause and enumerated powers of the constitution, that's a federal-- that's a civil, federal right there. a civil liberty. so we're talking about modifying, essentially, with the federal civil liberty.
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do you think they're being extra cautious, it's harry reid protecting all of these democrats up for reelection in the senate in 2014, from red states. red state democrats, by not bringing this legislation for a vote. so, the political cowardess is coming from harry reid. but if they now go for ammunition, it's just another way of rendering the gun useless. there's no point. and take an ar-15 and hit an intruder over the head? good luck. >> exactly. >> sean-- >> democrats lost after the assault weapons ban in 1994 and that's why harry reid doesn't want it in effect now. he was trying to save democrats a little base. >> sean: leslie, if this was the moral imperative and they really thought this was the answer even though none of the laws would have prevented newtown. what does it say about the
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party, they don't have the courage of conviction, and looking to the election than they are what they believe is the safety of children? >> i don't agree with that at all. and in my state here in california, mike thompson, who is an avid hunter owns numerous guns and knows more about guns and usage of guns than i do, and so do you, sean, look when you're hunting, you've got three rounds. you don't need and you can't physically use 30 rounds and in connecticut the parents of these children, the families wanted an outright ban on magazines. so, in connecticut this is actually watered down from what the families and the parents of the-- >> do you realize, even as a marksman and i've been-- i've been shooting guns since i'm 11. i've carried guns my entire life and that's the dumbest argument, hold on. >> why are you afraid to register or--those. >> sean: dana. >> and one at a time, dana.
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>> everybody always talks about hunting and that only makes sense if you believe that the second amendment is based upon hunting, but it's not. the second amendment is defending not only individual aggressors, domestic aggressors and government tyranny. >> dana with all due respect, when was the last time, government, state or federal was knocking on your door, and trying to take guns and-- >> they don't want us to have ammo. >> what happened? >> what? first, but let's talk about-- >> wait, whoa, one at a time. >> a couple in california that were raided, the husband had his registered firearms taken from him because his wife voluntarily committed herself to an institution, and that happened in your state, i'm sure you're aware of with all due respect. >> and you're well aware of two guys were killed that had guns in their homes with
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bullets. >> just because it happened doesn't mean it won't, that's what the second amendment is. >> the choose to not. >> that's right, you can choose not to. don't deny me my right to it. >> i don't. >> sean: thank you very much. a lot of liberals would like to, obviously, and the president's out there twisting the arms of state legislators now to try and get his way because he can't get the bill passed because his own party won't go forward with the bill because they're protecting themselves politically. thank you both, a busy night continues on "hannity." the prospect of an all-out war on the korean peninsula growing after kim jong-un announced he's restarting a nuclear react that's been dormant. colonel oliver north. >> one race, white, should rule all others, get your definition straight. >> sean: nbc, the race-baiting network, herman cain is here to respond to the latest
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remark courtesy of one of the so-called journalists over there at nbc news. that's all coming up. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v and we haven't even mentioned... c-max also gets better mpg. say hi to the super fuel efficient ford c-max hybrid. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool
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>> tonight. more disturbing developments out of north korea as kim jong-un steps up the saber rattling setting the world's nerves on edge. and rogue dictator said he would restart a nuclear reactor enough plutonium to produce one nuclear per year.
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it comes on the heels of the announcement, the u.s. is sending one of the destroyers, u.s.s. john mccain, for the military training exercises. earlier united nations secretary-general responds to the rising tensions. watch this? >> as the second general, it is my duty to prevent war and to pursue peace. it's also my responsibility to state that the current crisis has already gone too far. nuclear threat is not a game. military posturing only resorts in pure fear and destability. >> sean: what does it mean for the u.s.? joining me is the host of "war
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stories", colonel oliver north. >> this is ought to be a primer, if iran continues on their progress if they continue on with nuclear welcomes and their delivery of them. what it is effort of containment. nuclear proliferation and weapons of mass destruction because of the failure to do the right thing with north korea and almost inevitable with iran if we follow the same course. here is about the only thing we've got left and that is calling in the chinese and explaining to them that they are the big losers if something really does happen in the korean peninsula. now, i don't have the gift of prophesy, but i do note that the 25th of june is the 64th anniversary of the beginning of the korean war, the new dictator up north now claims is still on. the threats that he is issuing have to be followed up in some fashion and i would tell you the likelihood it's going to take place somewhere around the 25th of june because he's trying to build credibility
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with the military dictatorship and he's inherited from his father and grandfather, the new south korean president, president park is feeling her way across the spectrum of where this goes, if it escalates and of course, the united states is now trying to play catchup in the midst of sequester. think about this, not just the mccain as you've said the steven decatur on its way out there. we've got two sea-based x-ban radar systems which most americans have never seen what this looks likes. the x-span radar system is used to deliver ballistic missile protection to the united states and the west coast, and those radars atop the platform, 8 knots all it can do going through the water and one of them already in position off japan and another one on the way, sitting ducks, by the way, if the north koreans decide to take them out. you have to protect those. what's this administration doing? it's ratcheting up the rhetoric. there was a president by the
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name of teddy roosevelt who gave us an axiom how to do it. ronald reagan said through peace and roosevelt, speak softly and carry a big stick. >> sean: and i'm watching, a campaign trail and pressure local legislators because he can't get harry reid to advance the weapons bill and let's see, the russians are flying over our air space with nuclear welcomes. egypt is on the brink of collapsing yet again and he's propping them up with tanks and f-16's and 1.5 billion dollars. syria's in a total decline. iran is saber rattling as well. china is infiltrating our internet system and where is obama on all of these issues? it seem the world does not have any fear that he's going to respond to anything and it seems like he's em boldening them? >> again, the rhetoric has got to -- we keep talking about the north korean rhetoric and
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what the secretary-general of the united nations was just talking about. what we ought to be doing is quietly reassuring president park, who is brand new, the japanese administration who are uncertain what's going to happen and quietly move assets into place if god forbid the north koreans actually used one of the weapons. >> sean: this guy has now boxed himself into the corner, ollie. first of all, he's young. he seems to want to make a name for himself. saber rattling comes naturally to him. why do i think he's probably going to do something? >> well i think, again, as i said, i don't have the gift of prophesy, but i predict that june 25th anniversary, 64 years since the korean war began is an important date for those people. and for guys like him, who have got something to prove to the military hierarchy over there, he's almost going to have to do something particularly if we keep talking about consequences he can't understand. and quite frankly, they would be devastating.
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the world we live in today will change dramatically if a nuclear weapon is cracked off by anybody on this planet. >> sean: all right. colonel north, appreciate it as always, thank you for being with us. and coming up next on "hannity." >> racism is the belief that one race, white. should rule all others, get your definition straight. >> sean: all right. herman cain is here to help educate mr. obama-gasm, mr. chris mathews on the definition of racism. and there was a press briefing after jay carney was confronted over a sequester scare tactic exposed as a lie. and i'll confront kirsten powers on her saying i'm mean-spirited. coming up here tonight on "hannity."
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> >> he can't seem to help himself. chris mathews is no strange her putting his foot in his mouth. he's outdone himself with his latest racially charged remark. watch this. >> took a turn to the political when the president and his family attended an easter service across lafayette park at the st. john's church. the pastor called out some on the religious right he says are standing in the way of
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progress, drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling people back, for blacks to be back in the back of the bus, for women in the kitchen, for gays to be in the closets for immigrants to be on the other side of the border and rush limbaugh. >> that's an interesting take that the president inspires it, inspires racism, so obama's presence inspires this gi to be divisive. and blacks in the back of the bus and women back in the kitchen when he can't name a single person who does. but the president of the united states, you may be right, may have inspired that in this preacher. >> well, actually rush bo, racism believes one race, white, should rule all other, get your definition straight. >> sean: well, actually chris, you need a new definition. if you need a dictionary, i'll
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be glad to send you one free. the ceo of herman, fox news contributor, radio talk show host and yes, my friend herman cain. how are you? >> it's almost laughable, it's laughable what chris mathews is saying. >> sean: the dictionary, is he saying here the-- racism is a belief that one race, white, should rule all others. that's not what the dictionary says. the inherent belief of superiority of one race over another. there can be other races that can be racist. is it hard for an anchor to open aup dictionary. >> it's hard for chris mathews, maybe he doesn't have enough black friends to tell him. the racism can be from white to black and black to white. it's not as bad as it used to be, to say it's just white to black is ridiculous.
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>> sean: i have a question for chris. >> yeah? when louis farrakhan's magazine says the god to teaches me tells me the white man is a skunk of the planet earth, is that racism? it sounds like it >> it is racism. it can go either way, sean and chris should know better. for him to make that sort of statement, but then the other thing that this preacher talked about pushing blacks to the back of the bus and pushing women in the kitchen. come on. if the only way that they can get ratings is to say outrageous things in order to try and create some sort of controversial narrative, that is a display of trying to basically have a program where they want to try to help people. and they're not helping anybody, they're misinforming people. >> sean: but this is a problem. this is now the narrative that, as i think rush made a good point here, obama, joe biden, going to put you all back in chains. i can trace the history of the democratic party 1998 missouri
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ad you elect republicans, black churches will burn and many, many others. let's just take a look, this is now nbc news. now, supporting this, watch what everything is a dog whistle, racism, if you dare to disagree, have honest disagreement with the president. watch this. >> up next, what did paul ryan mean when he blamed prime minister's victory on the urban folk, is he blowing that dog whistle again. >> and the requirement for health and welfare, everyone points out it's dishonest and you're playing that ethnic card. keep saying chicago, you notice, to send the message this guy is helping the poor people in the bad neighborhood, and in the burbs, a lot of black people in chicago. >> a dog whistle is a dog whistle. >> a trumpet call is another. >> and the connection, not necessarily bad in all cases, sort of slang, not necessarily evil, throw it at the
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president as an ethnic shot. i look at obama as the perfect american, went to school, never broke the law, a good husband, a good father, i don't think he had a speeding ticket and the guy does everything right and he's been pretty moderate on gun until the horror of newtown and i don't know what they're so afraid of-- >> never broke a law, he smoked pot and cocaine. tell this guy. >> i have one word for chris the matthew, hopeless. when you have to look for coded racial implications, look, the liberals like chris have two tactics, sean, the race card and class warfare and if they can't see it overtly, they try to come up with ways-- >> chicago, chicago? chicago is racist? you can't say urbans a radio
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format. you can't say urban, suburban. dog whistle. beep. >> all of that is because they cannot refute that anything that conservatives say, black or white, based upon fact. it has to all be rhetoric. >> sean: let me play for you dr. carson on the great one, mark levin's show he said some pretty profound things. this is from yesterday. >> they want to shut us up completely. >> yeah. >> and that's why the attacks against me have been so vicious, because i represent, you know, an extension threat to them. they need to shut me up and they can't find anything else to delegitimize me so they take my words and misinterpret them and try to make it seem that i'm a bigot. >> a lot of white liberals just don't like it, do they? >> well, they're the most racist people there are because you know, they put you in a little category, a little
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box. you have to think this way. how could you dare come off the plantation. >> you know, herman, i thought when i heard that, because all of these phony allegations were made against you, the second you got out of that presidential race, never heard another word again. just went away. >> no, because they-- exactly because i was a threat and now, dr. carson is a threat. why? because he pointed out in his national prayer breakfast speech, he pointed out that the national debt is the issue. he said we need to replace the tax code. i don't care what you replace it with. he went down the line. he said our culture is under attack and he's exactly right. so what do the liberals do? we have to shut him up because he's die metrically opposed to the record of president obama, which is lousy. he's now the new target. last night somebody said that you created a monster with dr. carson. >> sean: yeah, leo. i didn't know i was a creator.
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>> i didn't know you had that much power. what they're really saying -- what they're saying is that people are listening to dr. carson. they're listening to me. this is why i get a lot of -- i get a lot of attacks because of my radio he show and things like that. there's a whole group of conservatives, black and white that get attacked simply because we're trying to tell the people the truth. >> sean: i think it's sad what is happening. >> it is sad. >> sean: that's it's socially acceptable to call conservative african-americans any name you want as a means of intimidation and it's got to stop and now what? we're going to make it stop somehow. good to see you, herman, god bless you. >> thanks a lot, sean. >> sean: a heated he can change broke out between our own ed henry and jay carney after another sequester scare tactic was exposed as a lie. kirsten powers will join me and tell me why she called me mean-spirited. she's still the one for you -
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>> as somebody who is all
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over the issue in the last four years. look, i don't think we can maintain the same level of security at places around the country with sequester as without sequester. if you have 5,000 fewer border patrol hours or agents, you have 5,000 fewer border patrol agents, that has a real impact. >> sean: that was homeland security secretary janet napolitano warning in february about the dire consequences of sequester. like so many of the other apocalyptic predictions made by the president and members of the cabinet. we're learning it was complete and utter nonsense. here is why. yesterday, the u.s. customs and border agency announce they've reexamined the budget and wouldn't you know it, magically no agents will be receiving furlough notices and earlier today. chief correspondent ed henry con fronted jay carney about the very high profile contradiction. >> feel free to convey to your readers and viewers that the sequester doesn't matter and
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then-- and then explain. >> no, they said-- the. the secretary came in here and said we were going to be less safe, people would be crossing the border because there's less border patrol agents. and yesterday-- we're not doing that. i'm not saying it's not important, but-- >> when we make prediction what is will happen in the future it's going to change based on how the budget picture looks a month later, but they're real he. >> sean: the reality is it will change out of what, political necessity. it at the end of the day it's another example of how badly the president misled you, the american people about the impact of the sequester. joining me now to react. fox news analyst kirsten powers. what happened to the border agents and the children and the apocalyptic, and the doom and gloom and the lies? the i guess i was right. >> i was telling everybody none of which going to be true. >> is that what you brought me on for, to tell you what was
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right? >> i'll get to that in a minute. look, i think that people figured out pretty quickly that the obama administration was exaggerating things. you remember he brought up that there were janitors laid off turned out they were not going to be laid off. and specifically looking for things that were going to turn people against the republicans and blame them for the sequester. it didn't work. now they have to figure out how to actually govern under the sequester. >> let me ask you, when you say exaggerate, that's a nice word. and wouldn't a better term-- we knew all along they would spend more this year than last year and saying that kids wouldn't get immunizations and we're going to he release all of these prisoners that we have, doom, gloom and doom and gloom and the white house is shut down. when you exaggerate purposely can one use the word lie, maybe or is that too harsh in your view? >> well, i think that in order to-- to accuse them of lying i'd have to have the proof of
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that. i don't know that they -- that they underestimated or they were intentionally, you know, knew for a fact that they would have the money to do this. if they knew for a fact that they would be able to move the money around, yes, that would be lie. >> sean: and do that all the time, the republicans, dirty plans for air and water and republicans want kids with down syndrome, autism and the elderly to fend for themselves. those to me are lies. >> yeah, i think thinks that. >> sean: and the president, he does this for his own political benefit. isn't that true? the republicans are evil? >> i think that's what he thinks, unfortunately. and you know, i don't-- >> that's scarier he believes in all lies. >> and the liberals, they think that actually what republicans believe and i guess they don't know any republicans. because i don't know very many republicans who believe those things. >> sean: i want dirty air and water, i do. >> i know that's-- >> not only do i want to throw granny over the cliff, i want to kick her, stab her, beat her, punch her in the head and
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throw her over the cliff. that's what conservatives like myself believe. that's what they would have you believe anyway. we have to go to another issue, you and i need to. >> still working through. >> sean: we're working through. you said last night on this very program that i, sean hannity, i'm hateful. >> no, i did not. >> sean: yes, you did. >> i did not say you were hateful. did i say that? i said i thought you were being mean-spirited. >> sean: mean-spirited and hateful, what's the difference? >> well-- >> that's the statement, better. >> no, i was surprised to hear you-- i mean, look, i know you don't like obama and i know you go after obama. i was surprised to hear you bring the daughters into it and i just thought would be an area you'd leave out of it and particularly mean-spirited to me. >> sean: and maybe you misunderstood and maybe i didn't say it well. maybe see if i can lock it down. okay. i was pointing out joe biden, the bidens, we've completed three months of the year 2013 and biden has taken three
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vacations. the obamas, they've had one hawaii vacation, they have a vacation when he went to play golf with tiger and the girls and michelle obama went skiing in as spend. now, the girls, they didn't go on one spring break, they went on two. they go to the bahamas and they went to idaho on the other side. >> he oh, my gosh. >> sean: all right. so, my point is if the white house is closed down and kids can't get immunizations and people are furloughed, i don't i don't understand eight vacations between the bidens and obamas in three months. i don't think that's out of touch. >> well, let me try again. i don't think, first of all, you can combine two families, 'cause they're not the same. >> sean: the president and the vice-president? >> i would just stick with the obamas, you know, it's not. >> sean: five vacations. >> me and my neighbor took four vacation, what does it-- >> and the whole of this. >> look, we pay for all presidential and vice-presidential vacations for as long as i've been alive, we pay for-- not for the actual vacation,
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but for the secret service i think your complaint is. >> sean: if the little children that we conservatives want to fend for themselves can't visit the white house. >> yes. >> sean: and kids are getting their immunizations taken away and obama keeps saying shared sacrifice and skin in the game and it's our patriotic duty and class warfare, why can't i examine, and beyonce, justin timberlake, adele at the white house and golf trips, don't you think any of this is excessive. >> i think you're well within your rights to criticize the president and don't blame the daughters-- >> i blame him for the two trips. >> what you're not allowing for, the girls probably said all the friends of going on the trip and. >> sean: and aspen for crying out loud-- >> he's trying to be a good dad and you need to see-- sean, i know you are not a bad
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person. >> sean: i'll tell you that the 50 million americans on food stamps right now and the one in six americans in poverty. >> but the two things are not connected. whether the girls go on vacation or not-- >> they're connected because he's lecturing others we've got to put in more of our fair share and we've got to have skin in the game and using his own words on it. >> we're just not going to agree on this. >> sean: we're not, are we? >> no. >> sean: on that happy note, thank you, kirsten powers. >> thank you, sean hannity. >> sean: up next, it's a tale-- you don't want to miss this, a tale of two states, california and texas. one is essentially bankrupt. one is booming. one has high taxes and the other doesn't. stuart varney and dana perino, what liberals policies are causing california's failure and why texas is so successful. and later, don't blame gang violence in chicago and murder rate on the mayor. no, blame the n.r.a. that message coming from david axelrod and we have his
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>> it's no secret that president obama's economic policies failed the nation as a whole. honesty we'll compare at a state level. on the one hand let's look at california, implemented an economic agenda similar to
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president obama's and on the other hand look at the state of texas and smart, conservative decisions far from those of the administration. and so let's start with the liberal golden state of california which is currently 78.9 billion dollars in debt. and they have nearly two dozen cities facing bankruptcy and unemployment rate stands at whopping .96% which is the highest in the country and not exactly a positive outlook. however, on the flip side. we turn to the booming conservative loan star state of of texas and they have a budget surplus estimated to be 8.8 billion dollars. none of its cities declared bankruptcy since 2007 and the unemployment rate stands at 6.4%, lower than the national average and the numbers don't lie. liberal economic policies are not effective for the nation as a whole, or for the states. and here with reaction, the co-host of the "the five", dana perino and from the fox business network, stuart varney. we've forgotten one big element, the state income tax
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in texas, zero. in california 13.5%. >> 13.3%. >> sean: 3 or 5. >> there's a huge difference obviously between no tax and 13% plus. >> sean: right. >> look, there's an economic policy battle going on in the united states between states and it's very clear to me, at least, that it's the low tax business friendly, those states are winning hands down. if you exploit the energy that's under the turf of those states, you win even more. texas is the classic example. >> sean: texas is now doing it. >> and texas is doing it. and north dakota. >> sean: north dakota is what the nation could be. >> the word is spreading because oklahoma, kansas, north carolina, louisiana, all of them are going to either abolish their local state income tax or vastly reduce it. they're following the example of texas and florida and a couple of other states and they are winning this battle. >> sean: and you also see something else and that's demographically, a mass
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exodus, out of california, out of new york, out of illinois, out of new jersey, out of high tax states and people leaving and going to the other states. >> so you vote with your pocket book. sometimes people don't have a choice in regard to where they live because of their job and their job is wherever it is. but with technology that's changing and also because the states are luring away great businesses so that you, whereas you might want to love to live in california and be on the beach, but when you do a cost benefit analysis for your family or business and look at the bottom line, we could go to california on vacation, we don't have to live there. >> let me add something, i've got property in upstate new york, i've got property. >> sean: of course he does. >> wealthy land owner. >> and take as many vacations as obama, too? >> can i proceed with the story. >> sean: how many vacations do you take a year. >> from 2000-2010 every upstate new york county lost at least 10% of its people from 20 to 30. 10% in every single upstate
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new york and we still will not drill, we will not frack for natural gas in upstate new york. >> sean: look, i call new york the vampire state because they're sucking people dry. young people can't afford to start and get a new first home. and old people can't afford the taxes if they own a home. and fracking-- the governor wouldn't allow fracking there. >> if you could bring in cheap american energy to upstate new york, you could revitalize that state, but governor cuomo is delaying and delaying and delaying. shows you the power of the environment. >> sean: the bottom line is what's happening to the high tax states is going to happen to the country. the only savior here, what i think stuart is referring to is energy. we're the saudi arabia, we have more gas energy resources, oil, than saudi arabia, iraq and iran combined. this president is too dumb, he gets out of every economic problem he has if he would open up drilling. >> with texas being a great example with a state in
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fighting shape. that's what we want our country to be. energy is the way to do it and education. in texas governor rick perry pushed through a way to find a $10,000 bachelors degree and that's, from beginning to end. and so, if you're he a mom and/or dad. that's where i would want to be. >> sean: a state school. >> yes, a state school, but they're very good. they've got so many options. and that's not the same in california. then you take that worldwide and thinking, what kind of a nation do we want to be? if you're going to be the leader of the free world, economically as well as militarily and morally then you have to not have weights on your ankles and that's what they're doing to us. energy is a great way to get out of it. we could develop and produce responsibly. >> sean: never going to happen under this president. >> i don't know, maybe, well-- >> we don't realize how much the red states, low tax, business friendly, exploit energy. we don't realize how much they are winning this.
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>> business friendly. >> sean: you know what i'm afraid of. the liberals at that voted for the liberal politicians and liberal policies and not happy with the results and go to the red states and turn the red states blue. stay right where you are. >> colorado. >> sean: colorado and florida, too. a great example. you want your liberal policies don't bring them to the good conservative states, stay where you are. don't leave. >> look. >> sean: stay in california. >> the biggest exodus was out of new york state. 9% population drift in a decade period. >> sean: and new jersey, another big one huge. >> they're going to texas, to nevada. >> sean: and vote for more liberal politicians to ruin those states. great. i want them to stay where they are. >> i think it's time to start rejoicing, we are winning the battle, winning the argument. >> sean: i disagree-- >> 30 of the governorships, that could change in 2016 or 2014. >> sean: the idea, we're not on message and we do not have
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articulate spokesmen for the conservative cause, but for four people. rand paul, marco rubio, mike lee and ted cruz, why are you looking at me with the establishment look. >> oh. >> sean: i'm can i go, ouch, go ahead, go ahead. >> i got nothing. >> sean: that's a joke. >> i know. >> sean: all right. >> hilarious. >> sean: oh, want to take a shot at me? now i feel terrible. coming up next, if you think that gang violence is behind the historic murder rate in chicago, think again. according to david axelrod the n.r.a. is to blame. that ridiculous comment played for you when we return next. d from capital one... boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, ease? thank you. that's three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put 'em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris' small business earns 2% cash back on every pchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken's testimony, please. "buk, buk, bukka!" [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles
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>> and time we close the show with one of the most outrageous claims about gun control and the gun violence today. and earlier today. the former obama advisor david axle rodriguez blamed the n.r.a. for the soaring murder rate for the city of chicago and claimed that they were more concerned with their jobs
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than saving young lives. listen to this. >> i come from the city of chicago. we know we've had a violence problem there and a lot has to do with straw buyers arming street gangs. there's no doubt and every law enforcement would tell you stronger trafficking laws combined with universal background checks would make a real difference. people are afraid of the n.r.a. and trading their jobs for young lives in chicago and it's a terrible blight. and you know, hopefully people will step up and do the right thing. it's extraordinary to have all the country on one side and the congress on the other. >> all right, let me educate you, david. now the n.r.a. is the single largest group that teaches gun safety in the entire country. any liberals doing that? and by the way, criminals, in case you haven't noticed they don't obey laws, nor do gang members. i know that might be hard for you and your liberal friends to wrap your heads around. those are the facts, you can't blame the n.r.a. they're doing their pa


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